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2530 Superior Ave, #703
Cleveland, OH 44114

Our team has decades of successsful management experience in start-up, emerging and large medical device companies.  We have a proven formula for successful product launches and exits. We are experts in product and business development, as well as sales and marketing strategies that work.  At Redmond we believe in a practical, collaborative and no nonsense approach to solving complex business issues.  We think any good business relationship starts with a win/win attitude, backed up by an ethical mindset.  We also believe that any successful company or product starts and ends with the customer.

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News & Publications

Jan, 2017


Steribite, LLC closed its Private Placement offering, after raising more than $1.5 to help support the launch of the Steribite disposable kerrison rongeur.  

*Steribite is a registered trademark of Steribite, LLC


Nov, 2016


Redmond Consulting signed a consulting agreement with NSI Health Systems, LLC


September, 2015


RJR Surgical, LLC forms STERIBITE, LLC to develop disposable surgical instruments used in spine surgery and starts Private Placement offering for $1 million to commercialize the STERIBITE product line.

April, 2014

RJR Surgical and Gen2 Medical sign an exclusive distribution agreement for the United States with Rebstock Instruments, GmbH, a German manufacturer of fine surgical instruments and related products.

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